MONDIALE Online Technical English Test

The following e-learning module is a multimedia guided test sample that explains how the MOTET (MONDIALE online Technical English Test) works.  Please click on the CD for a free download:


The Technical English e-learning program Technoplus 2.0 was developed by the University of Technology and Economy of the Saarland and the EUROKEY GmbH specifically for  MOTET (MONDIALE Online Technical English Test).


MONDIALE Online Test English for Management

We offer continuous online preparation courses for our language tests. Please check our website regularly or sign up for an individual course.

Proficiency Test Englisch

We offer continuous online preparation courses for our language tests. Please check our website regularly or sign up for an individual course.

MONDIALE Online Fachsprachentest Deutsch

We offer continuous online preparation courses for our language tests. Please check our website regularly or sign up for an individual course.

Proficiency Test Deutsch

We offer continuous online preparation courses for our language tests. Please check our website regularly or sign up for an individual course.